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Showing posts from 2023

Peacocks are Magical

Peacocks are Magical Peacocks are beautiful birds with stunning plumage that has been admired for centuries. They are also associated with some very special, mythological and spiritual meanings. In Greek mythology, the peacock was sacred to Hera, the queen of the gods.  Hera was known for her vanity, and she was said to have been given the peacock by Zeus as a gift. The peacock's tail feathers were said to represent Hera's eyes, and they were also seen as a symbol of immortality. In Hinduism, the peacock is sacred to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Lakshmi is often depicted sitting on a peacock, and the bird is seen as a symbol of her grace and beauty. The peacock's tail feathers are also said to represent the petals of a lotus flower, which is a symbol of enlightenment. In Buddhism, the peacock is a symbol of wisdom and compassion.  The bird's ability to shed its old feathers and grow new ones is seen as a metaphor for the Buddhist path to en

Asking the Wrong Question

Asking the Wrong Question Asking the wrong question. Have you ever asked yourself a question, only to realize that it was the wrong question? Maybe you were trying to solve a problem, but the question you asked led you down a rabbit hole of irrelevant information. Or maybe you were trying to make a decision, but the question you asked only confused you more. Whatever the case may be, asking the wrong question can be a costly mistake. It can waste your time, lead you down the wrong path, and ultimately prevent you from achieving your goals. So how can you avoid asking the wrong question? Here are a few tips: 1. Be clear about what you want to know. What is your goal? What information are you trying to find? Once you know what you want, you can start to formulate the right questions. 2. Avoid asking leading questions. Leading questions are those that suggest a particular answer. For example, asking "Don't you think that X is a good idea?" is a leading question, because it s