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Showing posts from November, 2010

Favourite Words - Sacred

  I’m not sure why I love this word!   It can have very negative connotations of something  restricted, forbidden or beyond censure.  But it gives me a warm sense of childhood awe and the amber light of candles and simple prayers. If you look Sacred up in a dictionary, there are usually five definitions. exclusively devoted to a deity or to some religious ceremony or use; holy; consecrated worthy of, or regarded with, reverence, awe, or respect protected by superstition or piety from irreligious actions connected with, or intended for, religious use: sacred music dedicated to; in honour of The word came into use in the 14th century but it has its roots much earlier and is probably from the Old Latin ‘saceres’ which can be connected with binding in the sense of enclosing or protecting! But for me the  feeling of the word is much closer to an  Encyclopaedia Britannica reference .  This is to the power, being, or realm understood by religious persons to be at the core of existen